Sunday, July 18, 2021

Nolen is 3

The youngest family member turned 3 on the 13/July – which also means the end of the maternity leave and that I’m on the DEXON staff again from 14/July, administratively. In fact, I start with my paid holidays. We are fully ready for the nursery ages.

There was a solid celebration on the day with grandparents and unfortunately with missing members. Dominik spent his holiday with his friend at Lake Balaton, my sister’s family was also at Lake Balaton and beyond doubt, grandpa Gabi was the most depressed not being able to present himself on his granchild’s third b-day. He broke his heel-bone and needed to be operated.

Let’s see what kind of child is Nolen at the age of 3. I can bravely declare that he is still high above his age mentally – comparing the ones in the same age or something elder. He is full of beans, always on the move and is always on the right spot where something happens. He doesn’t want to miss any important or less important moment. He constantly has a pair of wide open ears and seriously listens to all the conversations between adults and often asks the question „what is actually happenning” or „what eventually happened”? This makes his father mad. Nolen’s body structure is absolutely well-proportioned and shapeful. He started speak already at the age of 1.5 and told long multiple complex words and by now, he has a rich vocabulary that often makes several people amazed. He memorizes and use the right word in the right situation. As he started to speak very early very clearly, or for other reason, who knows, there is a break in the development of speaking. Most of the times he wants to express himself very quickly and therefore he stutters and repeats the first syllable several times. This also makes his father crazy.
Threatening is not his cup of coffee. In case we say something as a penalty eg. „I hit your tushy” so that we dissuade him from some monkey-trick or mischief, he immediately replies „NOW!”. What I do not support at all is the sleeping between us. He does. His father likes it. I don’t. His choice, their choice. This is not according to my principles. His favourite number might be Nr 5. He uses it in each situation. We explain how many years old he is in vain. He shows three with his fingers but always says five and smiles. „How many pieces did you eat from the biscuits?” „Five.” „How much money should we bring for shopping?” „Five.” etc… Althuogh, he can count from 1 to 10 without any mistakes. He waves to each and every motorcyclist on the road, either standing or speeding.