Friday, February 11, 2022

January - not a grey one

The first month out of the twelve is usually tend to be so simple and event free right after the most festive period of the year. But not the 2022 one. This year it is a little bit stressful, rich in turns.

Career choice for Dominik and career change for me.

Dominik had to name those high schools where he wants to start his studies from September, after finishing the elementary school. His main orientation is languages (and computer science). First English and then Italian, Spanish or even Japanese. All school-leaver students had to write a central examination in Maths and Hungarian grammar and literature. Most of the secondary schools count with the credits of the previous year end and this year's semiannual marks of different subjects. In addition to this, the result of the central examination will be added and there will be a personal oral interview in the preferred school in February.

As for me, after 10+ enjoyable years I decided to leave my much-loved workplace. I was forced to make it happen. Probably, it was high time. Actually, the reason is not work-related at all and was originated in the past, 10 years ago. This sticky situation was handled with success then and this time I leave it as it is and I rather moved forward. To tell you the truth, I lived through all emotional stages which pertain to such milestone. Once starting playing with the idea of quitting, the initial huffiness, negligence started to spread, then the feeling of no matter - never mind, later driving myself into a corner if I really want this or not, then became everything clear and after signing the termination of my work contract I felt relieved then a little bit of desperation came but all the while I tried to be aware of the value I present. Everything happened so fast (as usually in my life ha-ha) and exactly on the way I truly desired, so no complaints. I get my salary for three months as dismissal pay, and after 10+ years of labour relation on the same place 55 days of notice period go with, that my boss is intend to reduce upon my request and additionally I'm dispensed from work during the notice period. So I proudly present that I arrived at the phase of enjoying my worklessness! Everything happenned as I planned. The last question of my boss was 'May I call you in 1-1,5 years later if I need someone for the role of managing director?' This is not a very long period and who knows where I will be then. But this is definitely honourable. So now I'm searching for a new workplace, going for personal and online interviews, get to know new companies and corporate cultures. This is exactly what I planned to do before my return to DEXON at the last stage of the maternity leave but has been canceled then. I believe that everything is good as it is and everything happens as it needs to.