Saturday, March 24, 2012

March Topic

How to spend more useful the first spring month than checking out the nearby gyms one by one? Everyone deserves a little bit of time that can be devoted exclusively for themselves. And the change of season is just what we need to remind us! Be tempted by the advantages coming to the new members and utilize them entirely! Wow, this could be a spot announcement…

I’ve seen different places, have moved together with different trainers, have tried different kind of motion form till now but I’m the most grateful for myself why decide to buy a season-ticket to a first class fitness club and why have enough courage to take part and try the lessons of a sixfold aerobics world champion and doubly European title holder, famous lifestyle advisor, personal trainer. I have never seen any person before who could use his body so knowingly, amazingly and could be aware of his own body in the highest degree. Moves beautifully but extremely loosely and naturally at the same time. Great experience, it would be good to have such a bodysense.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Long Weekend #1

Last year was an unlucky one, consequently this year must be luckier regarding the timing of holidays. Almost all our holidays took place on weekends last year, giving us no extra days off. Fortunately, we are facing several long weekends this year, even if they followed by weeks containing 6 workdays. Workday removal is necessary in case the day of a certain holiday is on Tuesday or Thursday and this way we can get 4 free days. Is it worth?! Definitely – I’m saying now, but will I say the same on Saturday at my desk in the office? To tell you the truth, most companies short this question by simply not working on the day that is said to be an official workday…

4 days flew away; one day spending with cycling, commemorating and doing gym, one in the Diamond Bath in Tatabánya, one on Margaret Island in Budapest and one day spending with cleaning, shopping and cooking. The bath was unenjoyable for me but not for Dominik. I don’t really like covered bath, indoor pools. No matter, the time of mine is approaching, testing plages will be resumed in summer. However, hats off, the playing house was excellent, but I know it was not for me, alas! Margaret Island is tipically the place where people escape from the urban jungle. Thank not God but the scooter that we were able to ride the whole island. It is approachable from the newly renovated Margaret Bridge which is the second oldest bridge of the capital and is sculptured with the Holy Crown of Hungary. Our Coat of arms includes it and guess why the cross is crooked on top?

Thursday, March 15, 2012


We commemorate the Hungarian revolution and war of independence of 1848-1849. The revolution in the Kingdom of Hungary grew into a war for indepence from Austrian Empire, ruled by the Hansburg monarchy.
Many of its leaders and participants, including Lajos Kossuth, Istvan Szechenyi, Sandor Petofi, Jozef Bem are among the most respected national heroes in Hungarian history. The anniversary of the revolution’s outbreak, 15 March, is one of Hungary’s three national holidays. Most Hungarian people pin a national tricoloured cockade on their coats as a mark of esteem on this day.

Kossuth Lajos azt üzente,

Elfogyott a regimentje.

Ha még egyszer azt üzeni,

Mindnyájunknak el kell menni.

Éljen a magyar szabadság!

Éljen a haza!

Esik eső karikára,

Kossuth Lajos kalapjára,

Valahány csepp esik rája,

Annyi áldás szálljon rája!

Éljen a magyar szabadság!

Éljen a haza!

(magyar népdal)