Thursday, January 25, 2007

Metamorphosis - turning into a Mother

Sorry for writing not so frequently recently but I had a strong reason. My health has deteriorated, I’ve grown very weak, I have lost 5 kilograms. I’ve been vomiting for more than a month, exactly from Xmas Eve, since then every single day from early morning to late evening. Sometimes I feel a little better for a brief period but most of the time I feel sick, I’m seized with nausea, I’m off every food, I feel disgust, my stomach rises, dislike eating anything. I was (and I’m still) afraid of admitting into a hospital to get infusion against drying out completely. I tried every tricks I heard but nothing helped, I still need to wait to calm down. I’m at home this week, I’m on the sick-list.
But come to the point, the sunny side of the theme, the reason of this kind of sickness, the joyful fact: I’m pregnant! I’m in my 13rd week, so we’ve just started the 4th month. Unfortunately, the first trimester wasn’t so enjoyable and I’d like to raze it from my mind. Till now, I hardly could comprehend what kind of wonder is happening to us. According to the medical examinations everything is okay with the „embryo” whose recent size is 52 milimetres.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Eventless January

January is always seems very long and grey after the most exciting period of the year. There is no special occasions (excluding my mother-in-law’s birthday at the very end of the month), no snow (it’s 15 degrees with sunshine today), no gatherings, no new pictures. We have to arrange warranty repair because we have bought a cute telly to mum and dad for Xmas instead of the old one in the dining and its screen went black and white. The administration is quite difficult, the customer service is hardly available, over and above the opening hours are very unfavourable. Bad news: Chris’ dog has been put to sleep today, she lived more than 19 years. They grew up together, she was a real one of the family, Chris’ playmate for many years. He hopes from the bottom of his heart that his dog will meet his father.