Saturday, April 26, 2008


The printing company, where Krisz works, usually holds a closing ceremony of the season in April. It was a week ago this year and I decided to take Dominik along. Krisz did not accept my idea without reservation. I wasn’t regret that decision at all and also Krisz changed his mind after the event. The music was too loud when we entered, so I stopped in the door with Dominik in my arms whose lips were pursed, ready to cry. After settling down he became the center of the whole company. Familiar and unfamiliar faces examined him closely or from the distance but he stood the test. After a while he became tired and fall asleep in the stroller outdoor under the supervision of grandma Magdi (mother-in-law, works at the same company). The owner was really open-handed. Tastefully prepared and carefully selected menu bar, abundant supply from drinkables, seven-man band provided the unclouded atmosphere. Anyway, I didn’t feel myself uneasy because I worked with these people during college years and it was good to meet them.
Next year it will be on a larger scale especially as the twentieth anniversary of the EPC.

Monday, April 14, 2008


Little short of it, a dog-tick cost Boni her life. It was an infected one. The one from thousand tick, which may be fatal in many instances in a puppy’s case under one year old. After it had been noticed and removed, she became more and more depressed, ate nothing and was just lying sadly. The veterinarian attended her and said that she wouldn’t have lived through the night if we didn’t act in time. Everybody worried about her little life as one man which wasn’t so lucky till now (her mother died at her birth and she was poddied). She’s still in a bad shape but much more better now. There’s no trace of the vivid Boni being underfoot so far, but she is alive and that's the point.
I've restocked Dominik’s wardrobe, he is already a little guy. Spring-cleaning is in progress.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Április hónapja

Bolondos egy hónap április hónapja,

hol kalap a fején, hol báránybőr sapka.

Köpenyegbe bújtat, ingujjra vetkőztet;

mutatja a tavaszt hol nyárnak, hol ősznek.

Hiába próbálnád kilesni a kedvét,

túljár az eszeden, mire észrevennéd.

Búsnak teszi magát, szeme könnyben ázik,

mindegyre lehunyja sűrű szempilláit.

Aztán gondol egyet, fülig fut a szája,

s ránevet a fényben hunyorgó világra.

Friday, April 04, 2008


Krisz was the very first lucky person in Hungary who had the opportunity to checkout the first jeep by Peugeot, the brand new model called 4007. We enjoyed and pushed an advantage provided by the spitting family car the last whole weekend. We were very satisfied with its marching achivement, equipping, conveniences. The 4007 is manufactured in Japan, not by the French as usually the other Peugeot models and its engine is based on the engine of Mitsubishi. Presumably it will be our next automobile.
We have the sixth tooth cutting and had the first haircut by a hairdresser.