Tuesday, July 28, 2020

We are staying within borders

Covid make us to discover the domestic beauties and get to stay within the borders during this summer holiday. It would not be a wise decision to stick to the original plan of the bike tour and to visit any nearby country, as they show increasing tendency of the virus. A question of time that the number of infected people will rise significantly in Hungary as well, because vacationers will bring into the country very soon.

To tell you the truth, I'm much adventurous like this, but as a responsible mother this must be handled otherwise. For independent, single, young travellers, covid provides the best opportunities to travel, as far as it is allowed and there is no restrictions. No crowd can be found at the tourists' show-places and in some cases never-seen discounts are offered. I've just read about Bali, the Indonesian Paradise, which is in a big trouble because of covid, as it is completely based on tourism, and nobody is there nowadays. Sicily covers the half of your flight ticket and finance every third night of your stay. So let's go, young explorers! But always be cautious and do not forget any protective measures.

So Balaton, friends, cycling, home pool, village life and exploration of those gorgeous places that are just in reachable drive distance - these are playing the main role this summer.

We started at Lake Balaton Uplands with my Balaton cycling round connected with some nice family engagement (Veszprém, Tapolca), we took part in my best friend Anikó's official wedding ceremony then after a nice island picnic in the green in the capital, then Balaton again, where we tried SUP with the help of long-seen friends which was on my wish list for some time past, then me and my sister introduced the village life again to the kids and met cousins as we usually do year by year but this time extended with some extra program (Debrecen, Szarvas), then Dominik was invited and enjoyed some luxury with his friend in an African themed hotel for a couple of days, then we organized a canoe tour with Dominik at the beautiful Danube Bend with the help of the most professional and long-seen story and history teller tour guide Peter, and then we celebrated birthday after birthday which made us to prepare and so to stay at home for a while. My plans are neverending!... Summer is still ON.