Sunday, February 27, 2011

Taken ill

I had no choice but to stay at home for a couple of days because my health had significantly deteriorated. I became weak, had fever and was aching all over. In order to recover as soon as possible, I visited the doctor and took all the medicines she prescribed. Not my style, I’m against medicines and avoid any kind knowingly. I have the poorest medicine chest at home, apart from the ones that are not to be done without regarding everydays with a little one. Fever reducer (suppository preferred) and cough mixture, been completed with the seasonal neccessities in summer. Everybody knows, the most important thing would be the prevention. But sometimes it proves to be not enough. Dominik fought against extremely high fever a couple of days ago and needed to take antibiotics. Probably, I was infected by him. With medicine vs. without medicine - 0:1. It proved true again that recovery from an illness with medicine lasts for 7 days, without medicine lasts for a week...

Dominik had his umpteenth custome ball, the first nursery one was his fifth, exactly. The local sport club (named Green Circle) usually organizes several events for children throughout the year. When we were children, we used to take part in them with my sister. The custome ball is one of them. He was a puppy in 2009, a cowboy in 2010 (also in the infant’s nursery) and a knight this year twice. Always finished in the first three and came out with a little rhyme.

Emile and his mother are still in one and enjoy good health. These pics were taken just before I wrote this. Supposedly the last photos in this configuration…


Középkori lovag vagyok,
A jó célért harcba szállok.
Védelmezem a gyengéket,
Pártfogolom, akit üldöznek.
Pengeéles bárdom hegyét
Kerülje az ellenség!
Kivel eddig párbajt vívtam,
Talán most is reszket még.
Nem tűröm el, hogyha gáncs ér,
Harcolok az igazságért.
Sehol sincs tán a világon
Nálam bátrabb dalia,
Ne lopd el a király lányát,
S nem lesz akkor semmi galiba!

Sunday, February 06, 2011

ISE, Amsterdam RAI

FIRST – in many ways. First but not last, hopefully.

The first international business trip.
The first time in Amsterdam.
The first „long-term” separation from Dominik.

It would be an early summing up to speak about the efficiency of this exhibition. As a general rule, the events like this have an indirect effect on the company’s life. Anyway, I’d say that it was a successful one. There were visitors truly from all over the world. It was a fantastic experience to meet those people personally with whom I communicated just by e-mail or by phone before. Additionally, two members of our distributor company from the UK joined us when we were out for dinner one night. It was good to get an inside view of the trade and hear the different people talking shop who were in the same line. Getting back home entirely filled up with experimentalism.

Although, we were on the exhibition all day long, I kept my eyes peeled regarding the lions of the place. What I really liked and could become one with immediately, was the vehicular habit. Bikes and cyclists wherever you see. Seems like the whole population prefer this means of transport against any other. Tiptop ladies got on their bikes in their high heeled footwear as well. Some of them had stylishly, with artificial flower decorated cycles. It was worth taking a look at the domestic architecture. Narrow block of flats on the bank of the canal, of which residents rightly can compete for the title of the world’s narrowest town houses. The living space is well-seen from the outside as they use no curtains on their windows at all. Additionally, the windows are huge and allow the wondering tourists to examine a family’s life within four walls from top to toe. What should come into your mind when you hear about the Netherlands are: Dutch cheese, bulbs (mainly tulips), windmills, wooden shoes, coffee shops, Red Light District – not aiming at completeness. Visitation of latters dropped out of the itinerary because of shortage of time but some of the formers were purchased to rejoice family members and to remain something to be reminiscent of my first Dutch buzz.