Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Dark Days

A chain of depressing events close to me that clouded the days bygone. Two surgical interventions, a death, conflicts in private life, upset of family planning and others. I’m not sure where begin and how detail and if I wanted to live through the happenings again. We’d be on dangerous ground. I just mention in a few words because of the functionality of this blog that is inspired to exist as a diary in which there is place for good things so much as bad things.
First my godmother went under the knife with her heart and its blood vessels. Subsequent event was my mother’s operation. It was two big abdominal myomas that needed to remove. Both of them are hopefully over the hump, and I can just pray for them to be uncomplicated. While my mother stayed in hospital, I attended the obsequies of my kindest colleague’s husband (age: 64, diagnosis: lung cancer). I got to know just then and there that her daughter’s body partly became paralyzed. It’s said that it never rains but it pours.
To be continued…