Wednesday, May 09, 2007

The 28th Week

We took part in my cousin’s school leaver ceremony on Saturday in the country and we didn’t get back by the time the wedding began in Budapest. It was probable that’s why we had to choose between the two programs. What’s more, we were invited to a dance contention as well by our teachers in the evening. It was a pity that we didn’t arrive in time and to tell you the truth we were too tired to take part in it. These ”balls” usually last far into the night.
As regard the weather we had deuce of a luck during the ceremony and the whole day while we were in the country. When we woke up early in the morning there were grey clouds on the sky, it was raining all night long and even on our way to the spot was spitting and blowing. We were in dispair because I dare say that it’s necessary raining on the occasion of ceremonies like this in May. It’s an annoying thing in spite of the fact that there’s a phrase which says that raining in May is worth gold. It’s very true as regard the agriculture not open-air ceremonies like Maying, school leaver’s ceremonies, weddings… As we approached the city, the sun pushed through the clouds and get warmer and warmer and we felt hot. It was good to meet long-seen faces, relatives and friends. My growing belly was a newness for all of them although they knew that the baby is under way. We got a lovely bed clothes from my godmother in advance. After the ceremony we had a countrified lunch with desserts what’s more we went to a confectionery to eat ice-cream. Time passed fast, we had to set off and it was raining hard all the way home.
Sensation Nr1: the first tasty watermelon of the year (not Hungarian yet)! I like it! I eat it! At any time.
Sensation Nr2: it seems like we can take possession the movie of our wedding on Friday evening – after one year diagreeable waiting
Sensation Nr3: my mother's amarilisses are blooming
Thursday & Friday: two-days business excursion in Bakony Mountains, in the woods


Nancy (kis mama) said...

Nagyon szép nézel ki - te meg a Krisz is. Bizony hogy nem jó a eső, de az és kel valamikor.