Friday, June 19, 2020

Bye-bye COVID, hello SUMMER!

Bye-bye, and we do not want to see you again!! This overblown epidemic seems to die away, easements are desposed gradually, slowly but surely and hopefully everything and everybody returns to the previous wheel-track. Did it change anything? Hope so, in a good sense.

The quarantine period remains recallable from our weights, Dominik's and mine. Equal! Exactly the very same, by decagrammes. And he can lift me up! In the next years, he might be heavier, I must be airier. I have 4 kgs plus compared to my starting weight before pregnancy but I want to lose 7 kgs altogether to reach my goal. I'm working on it, I start my days with gymnastics in the early morning as I used to, so I keep fit and I feel OK, I do not have problems to wear any of my old (even maiden) piece of clothes. The next step will focus on my diet. At this stage I'm rather concessive - knowingly. I have some plans for the subsequent year until I'm at home, and this is one of them: my new body, my final shape which certainly won't be remade by another pregnancy. I have executed my part, I gave birth twice and I think I'm old enough to accomplish this project. The most important thing is that I'm hugely happy with my superboys and it is a great honour to be their mother.

What is sure about this summer that I want to discover a lot of places (as usual) but I don't say that regardless the epidemic. On one hand I'm cautious and on the other hand I also take into account a possible second phase around autumn. Although, the airlines open the sky flight by flight and some of them offer compelling opportunities, we very likely omit travelling by air this year. Near abroad, approachable by car, can be taken into account such as Austria or Slovenia for a nice bike tour on the most amazing and breathtaking cycling paths of these countries. So hello summer! Finally, you are here and I promise we will enjoy every single day you bring us.