Friday, January 03, 2014

Around Christmas 2013

This was still not the Christmas I always dreamed of but I worked very hard at least to be the one that Dominik was dreaming about.
In December, I gave up all my extra engagements besides work (including Curves as well) and filled the whole month with activities related exclusively with the advent season. On one hand, it was neccessary because we needed to put ourselves (especially myself) in Christmas tune, on the other hand, I surely would have broken down under the heavy but sweet weight of the festive season. In this way I survived. What? Christmas shouldn't be something that must be survived. Ten times rather FAMILY time and the time of LOVE.
So we baked the inevitable gingerbread, visited the local skating-rink, attended to Christmas fairs, looked for special Xmas installation namely a Christmas Tree built of 365 sledges, enjoyed long walks while admiring the stunning Christmas outdoor decorations, travelled to the country to stick a pig, etc.