Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Almost 5

Busy, busy, busy... Has anybody seen a boring summer ever? This is what the season is about. Brilliant engagements, outdoor activities, birthdays, one after another. And we are very near to the most important one! We are preparing for Dominik's special day in mind and in acts for months. But this week I really do my best to achive the preplanned conception. The biggest challenge is my time-table. It requires much effort that everything will be executed in time after the office hours. I hope that I'm smart and hardy enough to provide a clean, orderly, children-friendly, stylishly decorated environment and to create some titbit for our little guests.  

This is how we made DIY invitation cards step by step.

1. Collect the needful quantity of toilet paper rolls.
2. Go outside.
3. Have a child and make him busy because you’re going to create.
4. Needed your tempera selection, 1 x paintbrush, 2 x disused toothbrushes.
5. Paint the rolls with different colours carefully.
6. Wait until full drying.
7. Bring out a disused toothbrush and give it to the child.
8. Show him how to make paintspots with the help of it on a plain paper.
9. Bring out another disused toothbrush.
10. Plunge it into tempera but use the more distinct colour than the colour of the certain roll.
11. Make dots with the help of the painty toothbrush and your thumb onto the rolls round and round.
12. Prepare the optinal personalized cards while the rolls are drying.
13. Fill the rolls with some sweets, small stickers and don’t forget to put the invitation cards inside.
14. Fold the bottom and top edges of the rolls 2 x 2 times in order to get a lovely pillow-shape.
15. Tag with names or nursery signs.
16. Forward them to the consignees.