Thursday, March 15, 2012


We commemorate the Hungarian revolution and war of independence of 1848-1849. The revolution in the Kingdom of Hungary grew into a war for indepence from Austrian Empire, ruled by the Hansburg monarchy.
Many of its leaders and participants, including Lajos Kossuth, Istvan Szechenyi, Sandor Petofi, Jozef Bem are among the most respected national heroes in Hungarian history. The anniversary of the revolution’s outbreak, 15 March, is one of Hungary’s three national holidays. Most Hungarian people pin a national tricoloured cockade on their coats as a mark of esteem on this day.

Kossuth Lajos azt üzente,

Elfogyott a regimentje.

Ha még egyszer azt üzeni,

Mindnyájunknak el kell menni.

Éljen a magyar szabadság!

Éljen a haza!

Esik eső karikára,

Kossuth Lajos kalapjára,

Valahány csepp esik rája,

Annyi áldás szálljon rája!

Éljen a magyar szabadság!

Éljen a haza!

(magyar népdal)