Time passes by quicker than ever and I’m afraid in advance that he will grow into a man earlier than I’d think.

Once upon a time, there was a girl and a boy. They felt love, got married, gave life to a child and a new era began... ...would begin a girlish novel. But this is LIFE including ups and downs. Is not life itself the most perfect novel after all?
You look like one extremely happy family from the pictures posted since his birth.
We are happy to hear Dominik's ear infection is gone, Mitchell suffered from one, and as a parent they are not fun to deal with.
Dominik is a good combination of you both, but yes he will change in his looks often and grow up very quickly, so enjoy all the moments with him, even the miserable ones!
Love you all,
Lonnie, Janine and Mitchell
From the pictures, I agree Dominik does look more like Krisz but has some strong features from you as well. The photos you have posted are Adorable.
he is a very sweet Baby.
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