Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Weekend in the Country

We spent the weekend at my father’s native place with Ancsa & Lajos. Füzesgyarmat is a dinamically developing hick town and I adore being in the country. I’m fond of the country air, the lowlands, the animals and mainly the scenery. It’s a different living and attitude to life. There’s poverty, people try to pay their ways, produce their food, make living by very little money. There was a car show in which we were interested but principally we were at the baths. There are several gorgeous external and internal pools: one for babies, one for children, one for swimmers, a thermal one for old men and for men suffering from sore parts of the body. Many people visit it from the surrounding villages as well. We ate ice-cream in large quantities because it was very delicious and creamy.


Anonymous said...

Loved your description of country/village life. It totally reminded me of my childhood and visits to Epol.

Your photos were real cute as well. I don't want to know what those 5 kitties were waiting for and know that horsie wanted some sugar or carrots.
Hugs and kisses,