Once upon a time, there was a girl and a boy. They felt love, got married, gave life to a child and a new era began...
...would begin a girlish novel. But this is LIFE including ups and downs. Is not life itself the most perfect novel after all?
We spent the weekend at my father’s native place with Ancsa & Lajos. Füzesgyarmat is a dinamically developing hick town and I adore being in the country. I’m fond of the country air, the lowlands, the animals and mainly the scenery. It’s a different living and attitude to life. There’s poverty, people try to pay their ways, produce their food, make living by very little money. There was a car show in which we were interested but principally we were at the baths. There are several gorgeous external and internal pools: one for babies, one for children, one for swimmers, a thermal one for old men and for men suffering from sore parts of the body. Many people visit it from the surrounding villages as well. We ate ice-cream in large quantities because it was very delicious and creamy.
Loved your description of country/village life. It totally reminded me of my childhood and visits to Epol.
Your photos were real cute as well. I don't want to know what those 5 kitties were waiting for and know that horsie wanted some sugar or carrots. Hugs and kisses, Elizabeth
Loved your description of country/village life. It totally reminded me of my childhood and visits to Epol.
Your photos were real cute as well. I don't want to know what those 5 kitties were waiting for and know that horsie wanted some sugar or carrots.
Hugs and kisses,
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