Damn instead of blessing – say the articles about the new trams of BKV Rt. called combinos. By now, they’re out of order owing to the thoughtless installation, they’re disabled. According to words by the beginnig of the next year 40 same trams will have arrive to Hungary, 830 million HUF per piece. I travelled once by a combino. It’s roomy but it’s without A/C and the opening windows are very small. So, in a hot summer afternoon it’s about 40 degree and no ventilation!

Damn instead of blessing – say the articles about the new trams of BKV Rt. called combinos. By now, they’re out of order owing to the thoughtless installation, they’re disabled. According to words by the beginnig of the next year 40 same trams will have arrive to Hungary, 830 million HUF per piece. I travelled once by a combino. It’s roomy but it’s without A/C and the opening windows are very small. So, in a hot summer afternoon it’s about 40 degree and no ventilation!
Hungarian FORINTS became pensioner
In 1946, 1 August came out the Hungarian Forint, exactly 60 years ago. As matters stand, it will live its 65th birthday. After the pessimists’ opinion it will live even the 70th birthday (thinking about the Euro). During 60 years, 210 Eiffel Tower-high banknotes and 2000 truckful coins were produced according to the Hungarian National Bank calculation. By the way, the official exchange

Vegre olvastam a blog Mihaly bacsi bulitol a combino-ig. Sok gyonoru kepet tetel ide. A hinta, a cicak, a lo, a fiuk a gyogyvizben, es a paternoster kepek szeretem legjobban.
Tegnap este uj kepek keszult a kertunkrol, de meg nincs a blogon. Kertek valamit Kanadabol? (a mit kuldunk a menyecskevel)
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