Certainly, there are missing links in my memoir, things I still haven’t written about. Robb & Nancy tried to organize a guideline concentrating on those things in which we were interesting most. It was not easy because we had only 3 days. It was very kind of them that they took us to a printing-office as Chris works as a printing mashine operator in Hungary. It was a very same workplace, it was just varied in work condition and salary. We were at several car stores as well like Hummer, Chrysler, Infinity, Lexus… Chris’ wish was to meet with a real Hummer (H2). It was fulfilled: he could drive it and loved it very much. In spite of its size, it’s a ”well-mannered animal”, it gives you a pleasing road-experience – he said. My favourite car was Infinity G35, the black one.

We celebrated Robi’s and Elsie’s (Nancy’s sister) birthday on the last evening in Calgary. A lot of people were invited and we were lucky to meet with never-seen or only-from photo-seen relatives, like Lonnie & Janine (Robi’s brother and his wife) and their new-born baby Mitchell, Rosemary & Steve, Nándi’s (Robi’s father) brother, Elizabeth’s girlfriend from Hungary and her mother and daughter. We got to know Nancy’s parents on the day of our arrival, they’re very kind persons and I’d like to thank for their present this time and their vigil when we arrived to them late at night.

Other thing worth mentioning: Peter's T-shirt. He got it from friends and he said that this game was over and another game was on. He was true. Absolutely true.

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