Summer is always full of family engagement. There are several occasions to celebrate. Name-days, birthdays, procession (Corpus Christi), ad hoc gatherings…
The procession – the flower carpet – was as beautiful as usual, were as many people as usual, the family gathered together at the church as usual and we bought shoddies as usual. My favourite is the paternoster, it’s made of – I could liken it unto a – very hard sponge-cake. It’s edible and you can hang around your neck. Each is made up of two colours: usually yellow & red, but this year I bought white & pink combination as well. It may be obtained nowhere else, so I usually buy more pieces. 

Summer birthdays are more enjoyable, specially if the weather is with us when we can sit outside. 10 years ago there was a vast birthday party in Epöl at this time of the year. My mother’s father’s brother was 80 years old. This year we celebrated his 90th birthday! It’s a great age. It’s a privilege in the present world. He enjoys very good health (he does
crossword puzzle without glasses). The whole family were there, we were about 50 of us. It was great apart from that little accident right at the start when I poured out the soup straight to Chris’ lap. It was a quite red and quite hot goulash soup. Music was provided by a 3-member gypsy band in the evening. There was a festival in Epöl that day. We – the ”children” – decided to ride on merry-go-round. It was a little bit dreadful for me at first during lifting up, I don’t remember the time when I did it last, or if I have ridden on it ever at all.

Rita, your programs in June all sounded wonderful, the pictures I am sure do not do them all jutice!! Thank you for sharing notes on the birthday celebration and the parties in Budaors!! Thinking of you all lots!
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