And what are we doing at this time? We enjoy the holiday with relaxing, cooking, taking delight in the presents, receiving guests, having long walks afield and it’s high time to make our big wedding album ready…
Friday, December 29, 2006
Seeing the New Year in, the Old Year out
And what are we doing at this time? We enjoy the holiday with relaxing, cooking, taking delight in the presents, receiving guests, having long walks afield and it’s high time to make our big wedding album ready…
Monday, December 18, 2006
The last hard-working days in 2006
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Xmas preparations are in progress, I primped up the house, my gift supply is rather incomplete than complete, I need to purchase western boots for Krisz, it will be his great surprise. The decoration is just a simple advent-decoration, Krisz remarked that our house is like a souvenir shop, now the best part of it is lag behind.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Saint Nicolas
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Water of Life

Thursday, November 23, 2006
I would like to go on that excursion but if we go, I can’t get finished with the things I planned – although Krisz is a great help by cooking – and we’ll miss the ball in which we’re interested very much. Put the case that it will be bad weather on Saturday and the excursion won’t be as good as we expect.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Dropping around

We celebrated my mother’s 47th birthday on 15 November. It was a homely dinner.
Yesterday we received the parents in our home in order to have a look round. We did the cooking the whole day because we prepared some specialities such as we ate in Szilvásvárad

Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Wellness Weekend

Next day we made an excursion to the Szalajka Valley and walked to a paleolithic cave in

After we had taken the fresh air, we tried some fine things in the hotel. In the wellness section the following services were available: finnish saunas, steam cabin, aroma cell, salt-cabin, infrasauna, jacuzzi, kneip-pool and finally an outdoor pool which can be covered. We also took part in a refreshing orange-cinnamon massage.
Here is the point: we had a healthily perfect weekend.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Friday, November 03, 2006
Bálint – The Halloween Baby

Friday, October 27, 2006
Pre-shopping for Xmas
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Events of the Long Weekend

And now I tell about our engagement of this short holiday in general terms. On Friday we were eager to leave the office to give ourselves up to the long weekend. Still in the afternoon I started to tidy in order to move in this weekend. On Saturday morning we got up early because one of Krisz’ colleague came to us to set the antenna on the rooftop. I would’t have thought but they finished only in the evening. Now, we can see 6 man-made moon with several music channel - especially on Krisz’ great pleasure. In the evening we took my mother to a shopping centre because she was alone, my father was in the forest. On Sunday morning me & my sister decided to go to a flea market to sold some clothes. In the afternoon my father did BBQ. Anyway, the weather was fine with 22 degree the whole weekend. Then I wanted to immortalize the Elizabeth Bridge in its gala dress so we went to the town.

Afterword from the Budapest '56 Szabadság Nyilatkozat:
"A forradalom üzenete, hogy a szabadság legyőzhetetlen, az emberiség szabadságra született. A szabadság ajándék, de szabadon élni közös felelősség."
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Autumnal Morning Town

We have started to heat the House. Till now, we were fortunate in point of the weather.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Ordinary Joys

There was another thing in which we found pleasure: a pussycat migrate to our garden and still hold her ground. (In fact, there were 2 of them but the older one – they might be siblings – disappeared by the following day.) Krisz would have liked to named ”Géza” but it turned out that it’s female, so its name turned to ”Gizi”. She is very friendly and playful, always march on us and if she wasn’t so insistent, I’d rather give her up because I’m afraid of the heavy traffic in the front street, a crazy driver might run her over.

Thursday, October 05, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
A new week began...

On Saturday we were invited to a wedding ceremony in Szentendre. One of my colleague got married. They went out together almost for a long time as we did. The workmates presented them a bottle in which some similar banknotes was put (after clearing) and had a unique wine bottle tab made with their names, the date and a quotation on it.
We got up early at Sunday dawn and set off at 4 AM with my father. We joined him and went to his hunting ground to Nógrád to scout in the forest. It is appr. 80 kms far from Budapest. It was completely dark even when we arrived. After we had registered in the hunting book and visited my father’s hunting box, we went to the forest. We got out of the car at

On our way home we had a look at the pensioner’s house in Alsópetény that my father is building. It’s almost completely ready. It’s a very huge buildup.

Thursday, September 21, 2006
Krisz had a nightshift last week and still works at night this week as well. They have a lot of work (from September always, then the top is in December with calendars, Xmas cards, leaflets, cds…) and the printing mashine need to operate round the clock, it mustn’t be stop in the management opinion. He is very exhausted, he hardly can sleep by day.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Fall is here

Monday, September 04, 2006
The House
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Stormy Fireworks

Another thick sqall in Budapest. Unbelievable destruction was caused by the storm on the day of our first king Stephan, on the day of the establishment of the kingdom. I can’t believe that this terrible tragedy could happen.
That Sunday was a shiny one (the last dog-day in meteorologists opinion) and there was no sign of rain or bad weather and we were informed by the news in this way: ”Those who are planning outdoor program this evening take raincoats with themselves…” This year we decided to see the fireworks from the top of the hill of which foot we live. It’s ages since we last went up at this occasion, usually we go to the downtown. It was 5 of us: my mum, my sister and her boyfriend, my HUSBAND and me. We settled down, a lot of people were waiting for the play of lights on the sky around us. It was a few minutes to 9. It began still lighten behind our back. It meant nothing to nobody. Then it began to breeze. Some people stood up and start to go down from the hill. Then it began to blow hard, catching up screes and dust, then it began to rain. A dust-storm sprang up, we couldn’t open our eyes, we had to get down from the hill. It was blowing so hard, I was afraid of going with the wind, down to the deep. The rainwater was over our ankles, it was flowing in large quantities. While we were running home I was just laughing without intermission because it was a very funny situation, never in my life got a soaking like this and we did not see the fireworks, only the very beginning in the midst of finding the way of escape from the hill. My father laughed at us at home when we entered soaking wet with dripping clothes and hair.
All things considered, in the downtown where over million people came together to see the fireworks, it was not funny at all. A windstorm with rain broke in upon the crowd at a speed of 120 km/h. It was stampede, the fear of apocalypse just like in a disaster film. Five dead, five hundred injured. Some clipping from the press release:
Szülők kisgyerekekkel futva menekültek haza, közben a tetőről cserepek estek le, a kitört ablakokból üvegszilánkok zuhogtak a járdára, több helyen megszólaltak az autók riasztói, a hegyről pedig patakokban zúdult le a víz. Az eső a nagy szél miatt vízszintesen esett, látni egyáltalán nem lehetett.
· Egy 12 éves kislányra és egy 30-40 év körüli férfira a budai rakparton egy fa dőlt rá, és már nem lehetett megmenteni őket, egy idősebb nő halálát pedig szívinfarktus okozta. A Dunán felborult egy hajó, két utasa eltűnt, egyikük holttestét Ercsinél találták meg.
· A legnagyobb problémát a trolibuszok és villamosok vezetékeinek károsodásai okozták, az infrastruktúrában keletkezett károkat néhány tíz millió forintra becslik. A MÁV-nak néhány kidőlt fa okozott gondot, 30 vonat késve indult a fővárosból. Mintegy 250-300 millió forintos kár keletkezett a Fővárosi Kertészeti Rt. (Főkert) kezelésében lévő, a budapesti fás területek negyedét kitevő faállományban, 364 fa fordult ki vagy tört el, a fővárosban összesen mintegy 1500 fa pusztult el és 10 000 sérült meg komolyan a vasárnapi viharban. Az üvegezéssel foglalkozó cégek forgalma jelentősen megugrott vasárnap óta. A legtöbb bejelentés a Budai Várból és a IX. kerületből érkezett, de Budapest minden részén betörtek üvegeket a repülő ágak és tetőcserepek.
Responsibility, insurer’s relief, and how could have been this tragedy avoidable are another long stories.
Friday, August 18, 2006
Spanish Holiday

We spent a week on Mallorca from 8th to 15th August. It was beautiful with its palm trees and we gaped at the jahts at the port of Palma de Mallorca, one was more beatiful than the other. Actually, I don’t wish to go back any more. It was entirely full of tourists and the most of it were German youngs. They’re infamous for their revelry and ill-behaviour. E.g. they go into the sea with cigarettes in their hand and put it out in the water, they’re lying about all day and set off to rave in the late evening and when they ar
rive at dawn it’s impossible not to wake up for their noise-making and howling. The main problem is that they leave countless waste about and the whole island is full of every kind of rubbish. Our accomodation (**) was well under our expectation. It was a little hole with musty smell, we spent most of our time without doors. We thought that it can’t be worse but the car that we rented (Fiat Punto Cabrio) was a wreck, there wasn’t an unbroke part of it, it was dangerous, life-threatening, dirty, disgusting (we had to reserve in adavance).
So, we were suffer some disappointment but we liked the freshly pressed orange with ice cubes, the refreshing salty waves of the sea, the mindless lying down on the beach, the island course by a boat, our sun-tanned skin that we got during a week and to listen interesting stories about the island. E.g. the reason of the numerous mandel tree – a long time ago there was snow (!) in a morning on Mallorca and the queen liked it very much and wanted to see another time as well. The king was suggested by the counsellors to set mandel trees. So, at the period of blooming it is just like snowing. We visited a lovely little town called Valdemossa where Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta Jones have a summer villa which can be approachable only seaward. There are three Michael D. and two C. Zeta Jones jahts at the port.
The point is that it wasn’t our most pleasant holiday but time beautifies everything…