…and I’m full of energy thanks to the weekend happenings! After all we could spend 2 whole days and a half together with Krisz. On Friday evening we were invited to a dance club where our teachers and other good dancers had a performance as an opening ceremony. I would had gladly seen their show but in consideration of Krisz’ weariness, we rather stayed at home (he didn’t have to work on Friday night but he had to go to the office in the afternoon after the previous day’s nightshift).

On Saturday we were invited to a wedding ceremony in Szentendre. One of my colleague got married. They went out together almost for a long time as we did. The workmates presented them a bottle in which some similar banknotes was put (after clearing) and had a unique wine bottle tab made with their names, the date and a quotation on it.
We got up early at Sunday dawn and set off at 4 AM with my father. We joined him and went to his hunting ground to Nógrád to scout in the forest. It is appr. 80 kms far from Budapest. It was completely dark even when we arrived. After we had registered in the hunting book and visited my father’s hunting box, we went to the forest. We got out of the car at
border of the woods. It was still dark and I hardly knew where to step. In spite of that it rained more than a week ago, it was splash here and there and some plashes. It was quite exciting in the darkness. Fortunately it began slowly but surely to dawn, to light up. The air was vaporous, the grass was dewy. We spoke in whispers all the time while we were in the forest. Once in a while we stopped and keep our ears open. We harked to stags’ (male deer) rut. We approach the voice but we had to sneak and mind our steps and
the sticks under feet. Sometimes it was a little bit terrific when a strange burr sounded straight from the surrounding bush and I don’t know what it was. My father always exactly knew. Sometimes he sniffed wild-pig smell in the air or saw deer-flies or showed foot-prints which were giveaways. The acorn fell out fluently which was a little bit illusive. Summing up: 7 kms walking, a wild-pig family, an old deer, a little dead mole. Then we went back to the hunting box to have a full breakfast with bacon, onion, sausage, tomato, etc. and gathered up the apples and we struggled with hornets.
On our way home we had a look at the pensioner’s house in Alsópetény that my father is building. It’s almost completely ready. It’s a very huge buildup.

On Saturday we were invited to a wedding ceremony in Szentendre. One of my colleague got married. They went out together almost for a long time as we did. The workmates presented them a bottle in which some similar banknotes was put (after clearing) and had a unique wine bottle tab made with their names, the date and a quotation on it.
We got up early at Sunday dawn and set off at 4 AM with my father. We joined him and went to his hunting ground to Nógrád to scout in the forest. It is appr. 80 kms far from Budapest. It was completely dark even when we arrived. After we had registered in the hunting book and visited my father’s hunting box, we went to the forest. We got out of the car at

On our way home we had a look at the pensioner’s house in Alsópetény that my father is building. It’s almost completely ready. It’s a very huge buildup.

Sounds like you and Krisz made the best of your weekend together.
I love the hunting story!! Lonnie will be happy to hear that you went out in the bush with the guys. I went once with him, but the weather was so crappy, that we hardly got out of the truck!! He was out near the end of the day for a bit but saw nothing. I hope to go out again sometime soon when Mitchell is big enough and can learn Dads hunting techniques!!
I'm happy for your weekend together. Your Sunday adventure sounded wonderful and you saw so much! It was so nice reading about your thougths and feelings on the weather and everything that I almost felt like I was there. Lonnie would probably love to be there himself.
Hugs and kisses,
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