2020 is dedicated as the year of the virus, worldwide. No same year before in everyone's life on Earth. How one can remember highly depends on the sector where he/she is working, on the fact if personal loss happenned, on the level of fear and personal attitude to the pandemia.
In my opinion, in spring, during the first period, everybody was afraid much more as it was a brand new thing. By autumn, during the second period people got tired and got used to it. Therefore, they slackened and handled it with much less fear. As for me, I never overexaggerated the situation and never deal with it more than neccessary. Not my husband. He never stops speaking about the new measurements, planned measurements, statistics, what is going to be happen, etc... And this is the point from which I'm not going to write more about it in this post.
Dominik finished the 6th class (within the frame of remote education) and eagerly expected the 7th in September. First year we haven't seen his father at all. Not the grandma. Nolen started the kindergarten and finished it as described in the previous post.
No foreign trips. Not any. First year since Dominik was 4. Two two-days domestic trips in summer. Not more. Only one-day trips, hikes, sightseeing, bike tours, as many as we could. There were many of them.
I made sport of summa cum laude. I have closed two semesters with only mark 5 so far.
Still, calm year. Not many changes. One wedding (Anikó & Ati), one finished the primary school (Noémi), one round birthday. Two fast growing children, two also fast growing and rarely seen godchildren, two aging adults, two proud and supporting grandparents, other two endless fussy grandparents and a new family member from my father-in-law's side.
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