In my girlish novel - inspired by perfectionism, the age difference between my two children would had been 3 years (and their fathers would had been the very same person). In my girlish novel - inspired by life, the age difference between my children is 11 years (and their fathers are different). Oh my... Whose life is it? On the third birthday of my sweet Dominik his father had already been on another way. My choice, best choice.
7 years living on our own. 7 nice years. Almost perfect and almost complete. Memorable, worth to remember. Enviable as a one-parent family. The kind of life that never returns again. I think the maximum was brought out of the situation. It was full of efforts and events. Efforts aim to feel we live. To learn what and who counts. To learn how to be really independent. To learn how to refill. To travel. To create a fairy world. Attempts to let somebody into our life.
So those years let the desire of a second child sleep. I did everything on my own. I considered my son's interest as the very first. First and foremost. Seeing the sunset or walking in the city after sunset or simly going out or just spending some time alone, all required some organization (babysitting). By the time we reached the "comfort level", the idea of the second child was almost completely abandoned.

A baby requires several years of full commitment and self-immolation. I wanted Gabi to do his share, partly at least, indeed. I really did not want to do everything around the baby on my own. I told him at the very beginning that he really must stand by me and must make me feel his love so that I can do it. So I worried. When it became clear that vomiting and sickness stay with me again, I just accepted and adapted myself to the circumstances and bore my destiny with meekness.
I wanted to slow down but not that much. I got the desired
deceleration, time stopped for months. I even did not want to avoid the
hospital and the infusion. I seriously dried out. When we run into difficulties
during blood taking and acetone was found in my urine and I felt as feeble as
never before, I needed some help. The infusion helped. Though, not much. As
soon as my body got accustomed, vomiting returned. Vomit reducer was OK for me
but not OK for the baby. Therefore, the dose must be feeded gingerly. However, it
was good to take a new lease of life in some degree.
As a summary, the very same terrible (or even worse) period
of my life returned for 9 months, for the last time. But it was worth every
second of struggling and suffering and pain. Not only the medical results
showed but also I knew exactly from the beginning to the end that the baby and
its parameters are very OK, all the time. I just needed to hold on and calm
down the worrying grandparents on my husband's side time after time.
My sixth sense made me to preserve in perfect, unexeptionable
condition all clothes, toys and belongings of Dominik. So, I'm a mother of the two
greatest boys in the world. No girls. This is not that generation. Maybe my
grandchildren, those will be females. And to make the story complete, I also
got a third boy. My husband is the biggest kid in the family. Seriously.
Dearest Rita!
I just finished reading your blog entry from yesterday to Nandi. He said to let you know that he is very happy that you have a husband like you wrote being a big kid. I tells him that he has good humour and play around keeping the children and you happy. At least that's what we think and hope for you. We think of you an awful lot and enjoy your stories and how happy you are in your new marriage.
Love and kisses to you and everyone, Nandi and Elizabeth
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