(This note should be just before Spirit of Balaton chronologically.)
I'm going to write about an undoubtedly pure family vacation. First flight for Emil and Noel and the very first trip abroad together. I can't remember if any of our vacation was such eagerly expected as this one. Seriously, Dominik packed his suitcase even in December, on the following day when the idea was arisen first. Although, the content was changed week by week. And then the day of departure slowly but finally came. What a joy! What an excitement!
I'm going to write about an undoubtedly pure family vacation. First flight for Emil and Noel and the very first trip abroad together. I can't remember if any of our vacation was such eagerly expected as this one. Seriously, Dominik packed his suitcase even in December, on the following day when the idea was arisen first. Although, the content was changed week by week. And then the day of departure slowly but finally came. What a joy! What an excitement!

Previous night Zoli took us to a beautiful place, to one of the westernmost point of Denmark. We had to be in a hurry so that we could reach the amazing island of Rømø and could see the last rays of the sun. Rømø is linked to the Danish mainland by a road running across a causeway. And wow, what a natural beauty! Really a National Geographic theme. The sand was waving because of the wind, the puddles reflected the amazing colours of the sky and many shells were lieing waiting to be collected. The colours, the air, the sea, the wind, the sand and only we 7 of us that soaked in everyone's mind then and there.
My sisters' went home on the 4th day and the whole house suddenly emptied. Dominik and me extended our stay with 3 more days in order to seek out some Unesco World Heritage Sites, visit Copenhagen, the ancient town of Ribe and the viking runestones in Jelling.

We learned well from our last visit that the weather is totally unpredictable. We can live through all the 4 seasons in a couple of hours. This time we prepared with wellies and this proved to be a wise decision because we got showers several times. And if I felt myself uncomfortable at home with umbrella in the rain, I just need to think about those Danish children and adults who naturally walk in the rain without any hat or hood or umbrella and let the raindrops fall on their hair and into their face, disturbing them by no means.

In Copenhagen and in Denmark generally, the personage of the famous Danish author Hans Christian Andersen can be experienced. Best remembered for his fairy tales but his popularity is not limited to children. We have visited his 'Little Mermaid' of course, sitting on a rock in the sea. And the rococo style royal residence Amelienborg, the Parlament and got an impression from the famous amusement park and pleasure garden which is the second oldest in the world, operated since 1843, named TIVOLI!!!

Next time, I want to be a bit more familiar with the vikings, want to go hiking and conquer some more fjords and those incredible green grazing lands that sometimes seem to be softly united with the fabulous blue of the sky.
We cannot express our thankfullness sufficiently for Zoli for this never-to-be-forgotten family vacation.
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