Saturday, April 11, 2015

Easter Funs

Spending a couple of days with children in the countryside around Easter is a perfect choice, especially if someone has a shepherd godfather and baby lambs are on show. Füzesgyarmat is a place where we and the children always retun with the greatest pleasure. What does Füzesgyarmat mean for me? Freedom, relax, godparents, cousins, animals, fresh air, plain, cycling, big walks, lángos made by my godmother. What does Füzesgyarmat mean for Dominik? If I ask him, he says cheerfulness! :-)

This time was quite windy but could enjoy one of my favourite phenomena of nature: sun with dark sky with no rain but having the feeling it can happen anytime but the sun persists in shining and gives special lights on every creature creating a contrast with the dark blue or black sky in the background. Additionally, we could also enjoy beautiful mackerel-sky.

Easter Sunday was celebrated among cousins. The original plan was to go to Taksony like last year where Zoli's family (Andi's husband) has a weekend house connected to the River Danube having the opportunity for canoeing and boating. This program was omitted unfortunately, but gathered together at Erika & Gábor's place.
Regarding Andi & Erika, both girls are pregnant! Andi & Zoli expect their baby girl (Kitti) by May 22nd, Erika & Gábor by October (gender unknown yet). Baby boom in the family, we are expanding! 

Easter Monday was spent in Hollókő, which is a Palóc ethnographic village with castle above and part of UNESCO World Heritage that's why is always full of thousands of tourists at this time of the year. They preserved the traditional architecture and village life almost just like as found in the 17th and 18th century. It is not an outdoor museum but populated area. It was quite cold and decided to go home when started to fall some snowflakes from above...