First in my life, I persuade myself to take a couple of days off so that I do not travel anywhere or plan anything special. A holiday while Dominik was in the nursery. For those, who asked me prior my holiday that what things needed to be done when I said that I had too many things to do at home, I just want them to think behind: I'm a working single mother with a 7-year-old boy living in a 200 sqm 2-floor house on a 800 sqm site. Tasks are neverending. There are always a lot of things to do and that is what I've been doing continually for 4 years. Only exception is sleep time. When I sleep, I do nothing. Even I do not dream for a while. So I think that in case I would do NOTHING for a week, that would be absolutely normal. But that would be an absolute luxury that I cannot afford.
So some reasons why I decided to stay at home for a whole week:
1. Recently, while I was going up and down the house, one question was repeated too many times in my mind: this also needs to be done but who knows when I will have time to do it? The list of tasks just broadened day by day.
2. There are too many upcoming events that we are facing this time and require some extra preparations. A couple of namedays, children day, year end and farewell ceremony in the nursery, a wedding in 2 weeks time and the approaching birthday for Dominik!
3. During the 4 years I was able to bring Dominik from the kindergarten for a whole week and welcome him with home-made dishes every single day and spend much more time together, send him to the bed a bit earlier, wake up relaxed and prepare patiently, unhurried in the mornings.
4. If I had missed to go on holiday now, I would had been not very well! According to my initial hopes, among many others I thought that I succeeded in finishing the American-Canadian account of my experiences.
Since today was the day of the farewell ceremony, I paste some photos here. I hate endings. My mood is not so good accordingly.

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