It was time to go out, time to drive far and to keep on our "Discover Hungary!" project. This time we've invited my sister and the little nursling one who cannot exist without her, Noel. Destination: Sátoraljaújhely, Hotel Hunor right next to the Slovakian border. Sátor-alja means "under the tent", referring to the tent-shaped hill nearby.
The hotel was surrounded by mountains but under expectation with its scantiness and its too many insect remains. The water of the indoor pool was dirty and did not tempt me at all to have a dip in it. The only advantage of the hotel was its location and this fact made us forget other inconveniences. Firstly, the big backyard of the hotel was operated as a zoo including mainly domestic animals and providing steady entertainment for the children. Secondly, the Zemplén Adventure Park was almost right next door with its fantastic outdoor sport facilities. The longest chairlift and bobsleigh kept us entertained during our whole stay. On our way home we made some stops to admire the vine-plants of Tokaj Hill, the soil of the the world famous Tokaj wine.
Mother's Day was a beautiful experience for me in the nursery. I knew well that they were preparing a lot but Dominik kept everything in secret. I was fascinated while he was standing right in front of me reciting I don't know how many verses but alot clearly, loudly, steadily, without getting stuck. When I expressed my admire to the kindergarten teacher about the so many and so long verses they had teached, she said that Dominik is one of the children who learn the rhymes earliest and she added that he has a huge encyclopaedic knowledge.

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