During the fourth long weekend more noted event
took place together. It was Whitsun (this is why we had an extended weekend),
Children's Day and the very beginning of Passió.

We had the pleasure to see the very first
performance that was amazing - apart from the fact that it was cancelled in the
middle of it because of the rain and stormy wind that made us going down from
the hill. I felt sorry about it because I really enjoyed it and
Dominik, too. This special open-air show sends us back to the age of Jesus Christ in
every third year – just like the famous movie, Ben Hur. It is staged on our
hill with live animals, period dresses, hundreds of crowd artists, professional
lighting and sound technology. But the most cathartic for me is the feeling that
I’m thrilled with from the time I enter the hill seeing the preparations,
children running about in their costumes, hearing horses neighing... Sitting on
the auditorium while the breath of
wind strokes my face, above is the sky, Jesus is in front of me and the same breeze touches the clothes of the performers,
so this is why I feel that I can be a part of this play in real…

"Azért, mert szerettek, jöttem e világra,
s lettem új fény, csillag, szülők boldogsága.
Szeressetek mindig igaz szeretettel,
A kincsetek vagyok, pici kincs, de ember!"
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