Monday, May 28, 2012

Long weekend #4

During the fourth long weekend more noted event took place together. It was Whitsun (this is why we had an extended weekend), Children's Day and the very beginning of Passió.
We had the pleasure to see the very first performance that was amazing - apart from the fact that it was cancelled in the middle of it because of the rain and stormy wind that made us going down from the hill. I felt sorry about it because I really enjoyed it and Dominik, too. This special open-air show sends us back to the age of Jesus Christ in every third year – just like the famous movie, Ben Hur. It is staged on our hill with live animals, period dresses, hundreds of crowd artists, professional lighting and sound technology. But the most cathartic for me is the feeling that I’m thrilled with from the time I enter the hill seeing the preparations, children running about in their costumes, hearing horses neighing... Sitting on the auditorium while the breath of wind strokes my face, above is the sky, Jesus is in front of me and the same breeze touches the clothes of the performers, so this is why I feel that I can be a part of this play in real…

"Azért, mert szerettek, jöttem e világra,
s lettem új fény, csillag, szülők boldogsága.
Szeressetek mindig igaz szeretettel,
A kincsetek vagyok, pici kincs, de ember!"

Monday, May 21, 2012

Nursery Photography & Partying

As nobody was satisfied with the output of the photographer in the nursery last year, a real artist was invited to take gorgeous photos of the children this year. An artist with international background, borned in Caracas, Venezuela but with Hungarian roots. The children were asked to take something from their parents to creating the proper composition...

Party-time! Nowadays Dominik is invited to birthday parties week by week, girlish and boyish as well. I usually just give him a lift and pick up at the end of it. Meanwhile, he is already busy with planning his own birthday. I also started to find out and work out the invitation cards, reserve the big baloon castle and ask the parents of the potential guests about their holiday schedule. Probably, we have to bring forward the date.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

Two from the numberless lovely poem that was heard with the biggest love exist: 

Tali Gitta - Úgy szeretlek!

Reggel, mikor nyitom szemem,
téged keres tekintetem.
Hozzád bújok, átölellek,
-Anyucikám! Úgy szeretlek!

Te vagy a családunk fénye,
mindenkinek jótündére.
Azt kívánom én ma neked,
legyen boldog minden heted.

Tali Gitta - Legyen többször!

Anyák napja legyen többször,
legalább egy héten ötször!
Árasszuk el gyengédséggel,
puszival és öleléssel,
ANYUKÁNKAT,...azt a drágát,
kinek nem találni párját!

My Mother

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Long Weekend #3

I do not remember if we could start the open-air bath season so early ever, even in April. In fact, I cannot remember indeed because there wasn’t such warm since the 1930’s. Beleive it or not, the temperature record fell each and every single day of the long weekend.
To cut a long hair short, we started the hot weekend at the hairdresser. Then me and my sister spent the morning at the fair which is organized twice a year to get some piece of clothes for the children. Those sell their children’s clothes and toys there who do not need them any more and in this way we can get several brilliant pieces extremely cheaply. I was focusing on clothes designed by Dominik’s current favourite cartoon heroes (Spiderman, Bakugan, ScoobyDoo, Cars) for his greatest pleasure, of course.
The following day we enjoyed the sunshine at the local plage. The cooling wind was blowing all day long, sprinkling us with the water of the fountain from the children’s pool. My little son put on his biggest smile once his feet touched the water and wore it on his cuddly face during the whole day.
Szentendre - with the best possible company, with Elizabeth & Nandi from Calgary. The walking tour was completed with May Day feeling and also a little climbing at the end of the day, up to the hill of which foot my parent’s house is located. I report that the auditorium has already been ready for the Budaörsi Passió 2012! It is an upcoming open-air show about the life of Jesus Christ that sends us back to the past in every third year. This is something that shouldn’t be missed, in consideration of the full-dress rehearsal.