I went to bed after midnight and was risen from my sleep around 2:30 AM by a torchlight. I lifted up my head from the pillow and saw the light at the passage and heard the door opening right next to the bedroom. Who is it? – I asked but there was no answer and no move. I repeated my question in an uncertain tones, expressly foriuosly. The burglar rushed downstairs, me too, shouting after him at the top of my voice to get out immediately and never to occur even in the neighbourhood ever! As a good sneak thief, he had made sure of his exit in advance in case of an immediate escape by opening the balcon door previously. He hopped off through the fence and I heard his jump on the empty site right next to us. And how did he get in? Through the pantry window which was opened a bit, that was unscrewed and unhinged.
Let this be a lesson to me, a warning. And a warning for him.
Ó te jó ég Rita! Milyen borzalmas. milyen erős nő vagy, és milyen bátor. Szerencsére ez egy 'happy ending'. Dominik otthon volt veled? Hogyan érzi magát ő erről?
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