Monday, December 19, 2011

Botond is 10

The oldest little one in the family turned 10. More correctly, he was born the day after my birthday 21 years later, so we count the chickens before they are hatched… Flock of cute children, a host of fine cakes, cozy conversations, enthusiastic playing got the main roles.

We are over the traditional tea-party in the kindergarten relating to the season of Advent. It is about s
pending time together with the parents, about joint preparations including making the obligatory birdfood that are hanged to the trees at the end of the evening.

Preparations at home: wouldn’t have thought how self-supporting and original a single woman can be regarding the lighting outside the house. And regarding other fields, like eg. getting the most beautiful pine exist. The Sunday before Christmas (namely the Golden Sunday) has arrived with its 4 candles and we turned into the straight! What a miracle is await for us.