August 20th is the day of our king Stephen 1st. On this day
we commemorate the founding of our state 1011 years ago… Civilian population’s opinions differ about the necessity of the costly fireworks that is sure to come every year whatever happens… We saw it from the top of the hill of which foot located my parents’house. One of my cousin, h
is girlfriend, her parents joined us that weekend. I rather do not mention who else would have join us as well because their hearts are bleeding anyway…
In the morning we were walking along the Danube, through the Chain Bridge. Several pr
ogrammes and spectacles entertained us. The entry was free into the Parliament that day, therefore needless to describe the lenght of the queue, the number of the people waiting for entry. I tried to shoe every famous spot in the near including the celebrities we accidently met.
In the morning we were walking along the Danube, through the Chain Bridge. Several pr
It was extremely hot, so it was not a question if we head down to Lake Velence the following day. What we admired: the wakeboarders. What we did: cycling by water, chasing swan. Dominik asked: in case we are riding a bike by water, can we drive a car by water as well?? 

I'm amazed by the fact that Emile is almost half a year old!!
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