The last weekend was full of content with no time taking a breath. After a quite damnable Friday I decided to join a festival and to take part in a great concert. Nice people, great songs, familiar faces that made me to forget everything else and made me to feel richer than before.Festival feeling was continued the
next day completed with some guide involved my cousin and his girlfriend in the area where I used to studied. Famous spots, monuments, lakes, gastronomy... Memorable day without stopping for even a minute. That evening the festival feeling turned into party feeling. I decided to introduce my guests to Budapest night-life (they had no objection) and to take them to H
ajógyári Island. I've never been a famous party face and it's ages since I visited such places and moved among such milieu. It was definitely a great experience for me and for my guests as well. We saw the limos arriving one after the other with the indipensible strobe light on the bumper, a group of cute guys dressed up as sailors (supposedly the participants of a bachelor night), enthusiastic salsa dancers... I was surprised how well-organized was everything: parking, foot passanger traffic, security arrangem
ents. The location of these pleasure-grounds is so concentrated, mostly with passageways between one another, some of them afloat. But the best thing is the free entry for girls. :-) In spite of this fact, the majority was male.The following day was flowery Sunday. The usual procession kept us entertained. 

This blog post and these pictures make me yearn for Europe more than ever. We can't wait to see you all!
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