Two job interviews in the afternoon (both through a head hunter company). The managing director recognized me on the basis of my CV at company X, because he worked with my previous company. Infor
The second interview of that day at company Y was an unexpectable success. The questioner was found out that I was over more job interviews because of my proper state of mind. That first turn was personally completed with the 2nd turn which was a great honour for me but didn’t lead me to jump to a conclusion.
My first day at my new workplace at company Z. I was informed about my employment the previous Friday (no employment contract underwritten till then). Location: perfect (halfway between my parent’s house and the new nursery), working hours: perfect. Others are only for vegetating, for stagnation. It won’t be a challange. Profile and tasks are the very same as at my previous company, only in a smaller way. I have it at my fingertips. Do I want to do it or not? Am I ready for giving up certainty for uncertainty? It’s not a question.
Learning at company Z. I had to tell them my test-Friday at company Y. That announcement wasn’t received favourably and I was told that if I had more irons in the fire, they had too. They called for a girl to try by Friday. It’s correct. I had no kick coming.
Trial day at company Y. Discussion of the course of the day in the morning. I was told what to do and how to do by the managing director because the trainee had a day off. Everything went smoothly, I was asked more times during the day whether everything was o.k. or if I had any question. By the way, the director gave evidence of great empathy, he tolerated my evening occupation and suggested to finish earlier.
I had a class reunion in that evening and I happen to organize it with one of my best friend from primary school. (We’ve said good-bye to the primary school 15 years ago.) Rushing home after work, quick telephone call for company X – just in time!, quick conversion, picking up the neccessary things, driving fast into the downtown to pick up one of my classmate and not forget buying some fruit (instead of home-made cakes) on the way of the class reunion.
I spent the whole weekend (2*7 hours) at Hungaroring with the caterer company with whom I work occasionally, you know. Two days on the island of calmness. And innumerable quantity of Ferrari. I have never seen such a lot racing car of high value in the same place. The famous Ferrari Team spent a couple of days in Budapest within the frame of the event called Gran Turismo Budapest 2010 and tested the Hungarian speed track just for fun. (Hungaroring is kept its place
On Saturday evening Dominik has his first quite serious accident. He hurt his chin while he was dancing with Mickey Mouse. I got frightened at the sight of the flowing blood but it was needless to sew the wound.
Szia Rita! Elképesztő mennyi időt és energiát fektettél ebbe a blogba, egyszerűen szuper! Az meg végképp fantasztikus, hogy így tudsz angolul!!! A munka miatt ne aggódj, minden rendben lesz! Puszi!!
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