I wouldn’t have thought that Dominik adapt himself to the new situation (bölcsőde/”school”) so easy. Like a duck to water. The first days were cruel but nicely at the same time so far as a training into a new community can be. This is a process for the mother, too. He asked me every morning if I left him. Till this morning. The question has changed today. ”When will you pick me up?” he asked. I’m incredibly proud of him and I love him too much for words.
Dark days seemed as if turned into bright days (it turned out that I’m entitled to a huge amount of severance pay from my
previous workplace through the liquidator company) as long as we became aware of an another bereavement. We layed my father’s sister’s husband (60) to rest last week in the country. It was a simple civil ceremony but so much the more touching.
As regard Mikulás and his presents, I hope sweetie poisoning may not exist…
Dark days seemed as if turned into bright days (it turned out that I’m entitled to a huge amount of severance pay from my
As regard Mikulás and his presents, I hope sweetie poisoning may not exist…
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