Spectacles for Dominik! Poor sweet darling. Certainly, it’s not a tragedy but I feel sorrow for him because it’s just a disturbing factor BUT the sooner the better. How did it happen? How did it start? We realized that his eyes look sometimes inwards by turns. The eye-specialist said that we should had drop into his eyes for 3 days mornings and evenings so that the muscles of the eye would be entirely loose so that he could make certain the real reason of the convergent squint. The side effect of the dro
ps is the mydriasis = it dilates the pupil like a drug which remains for one more week after the last drop. It worked well: the doctor measured much more dioptres like previously. This was the more difficult part of it – to keep him in and safeguard his eyes from too much light – but he is a smart little boy and understands everything that is explained what to do and WHY to do. Many times he said automatically that ”the sun is shining, we can’t go out b
ecause of my eyes” (süt a napocska, nem jó szememnek) and wore sunglasses without disagreement or he automatically put on when needed. So I think I felt worse of us two. But it’s over, the glasses stayed (as a birthday present) at least for 3 months, till the next medical examination. What is the problem? It’s a taint, a hereditary thing. His eyeballs are a little bit smaller than need, that is why the picture seen is created not in the suitable place of his brain, his eyes struggle. Aim: the reduction of the number of dioptres till zero. Anyway, he wears the spectacle heroically and tolerate very well. He looks like a wise guy with it, his face changed very much (for me).
After some education and after my one hundred and three – per cent – fin
al exam I became a credit consultant/administrator, a link between creditors (merchant banks and banks) and borrowers. Flexible time-table, go-ahead, on comission, mainly collateral loans. Not the job of my dreams but can be a source of living (or rather salary supplement) in the world of credit in which we live in these days. I’m going to see my money after each successful loan disbursement. My first job is to find my client and to know his/her aims, to pick up information. Information about the credit (sum of credit, period, purpose, type of currency, istallments), about the object of the
credit (how many people, age(s), earning(s), outstanding debts, checking the central registration of abbey liard), about the property (location, type, size, value, mortgage). After examining the creditability to choose the most suitable (or the only suitable) bank for him/her on the grounds of aims, facts, property as cover. To give information about the conditions of the credit, to collect the necessary client and property documents without loss, filling the necessary forms, signing the contract and make the bank receive and grant the credit.
Meanwhile, Dominik turned 2. (The train-cake is made by my mother.)
Things in which he shines: ”poetry recital”, knows and says at least 2 dozen verses shorter and longer as well, speaks well-worded, conjugates correctly, thinks along the right lines, dutiful, orderly, always behaves as ought, plays really fair, helps me in the kitchen (beating the eggs, mixing the ingredients) and in the bathroom (taking the dirty clothes into the washin
g machine, carrying the laundry basket, hanging out the wet clothes)…
Things in which he doesn’t shine: potty training (he tries the adult toilet sometimes with a constrictor or without it and shows more interest than in a pot). Is it a stereotype that girls become potty trained earlier and summer is the most suitable period to get rid of the diapers?
All children are wonderful, but the most wonderful one for us is our 2-year-old Dominik!
Congrats on the new job Rita, we hope you will be happy!!
Happy 2nd Birthday to Dominick!! Hope the next year brings lots more happiness and love with Dominick to your family.
And finally, we hope that all will be what it is to be with Dominick's eyes. He does look so cute, very smart and educated and so much older with them!!
boldog szulinap kis aranyos - Csoda szep kepek, csalad meg torta is!!
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