A new dimension began as regard our vehicle over the road. I got a new bicycle, equipped, which was my heart’s desire since the weather turned warmer. The most important part of it is the baby seat on the carrier rack that is Dominik’s grandiose place. He loves to sit into it, commenting and shouting louder than cars, buses, motorcycles passing by us and after leaving the cycle path of the highroad (thank God this is the shorter stage) and getting to the residential area he wrapped in silence and looks here and there, everything and everybody, becoming one with nature and silence.
Geraniums (Lat. Pelargonium = muskátli) are planted by
now and are ranged on window-sill. They’re quite little so far but will grow very soon due to the constant care, continual watering, and
– 2 weeks after planting – to the chemical manure once in a week. My grandma (on father’s side; god rest her soul) used to say that the most favourable time for bedding-out this kind is after the hundredth day of the year if you may rest assure that the geraniums will tide over the nights without perished by cold.
The bunny laid a tricycle with real pedals on which Dominik has to practice to come along. For the time being he runs before the wind (or before Mum or Sándor or anybody) but we’re in train and that’s the point. In fine, some Easter pictures - not distinctly in easy style, enjoy! 

Wow, is he ever growing up fast!
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