Second important thing: rolling over on his side. He took much trouble over a toy holding in hand, lying on back then he turned on the left side and kept playing. He didn’t suspect that I saw him. I felt that he did it so I turned the video camera on. And he did it. He turned on the stomach and pulled out his arm. I go to him and what I was see on his face was a big smile elated
Third big thing: he cut 2 teeth. They’re ribbed like raspers and sharp like knives.
And a not too joyful event: he cought his first cold. His nose was running, tears were flown on his face at every sneeze, he could breathe only through his mouth and was in a fever. We had fears, felt sorry for him. He is just an innocent baby, he couldn’t know what it was and what to do with it. Fortunately it wasn’t a lingering illness (2 days) and he took it quite easy.
Valentine’s Day was much more enjoyable and memorable not the same as the last one. Dominik and me was expecting Dad to heart-shaped c
We got same gatherings over, among others my mother-in-law’s birthday at our place in a surprise party way. This year will be full of round anniversaries: my father’s 50th, Krisz’ 30th birthday and not mentioned Dominik’s 1st b-day.

Yeah Dominik!! Life will be so much fun with Dominik "talking". He is absolutely gorgeous and getting so big. You have an exciting year ahead and we look forward to enjoying it with you from afar in the blogging world.
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