… belongs to the halfth birthday. Our SON has turned 6 months on 24th January. We tried to slurp apple juice from a spoon. First nutriment besides mother’s milk. He seemed to relish it but to tell you the truth we had to work hard for every draught. We need to get into practice. Peach juice, carrot juice etc. come next, then mashes come after the juices and vegeatble dishes will follow the mashes. Just step by step. There are food recommendable to avoid in the
first year like egg, cow’s milk, flour etc. Dominik’s present weight is 10 200 grammes. He puts on 1-1,5 kilos per month. The nights are heavy at this time because of teething, althought I still haven’t discovered any little tooth. Sometimes he just cries out in the middle of the night and sleeps on, sometimes he turns on the waterworks and wants to sleep only in my arms not being alone with his pain. My sweet little baby.
Happy 6mo Birthday Dominik!! He is absolutely beautiful. I am sure he will enjoy the new flavors of food and drinks, make sure to have the camera ready for the funny faces that will cause a reaction with this new adventure we call "food".
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