The sweetest sound for my ears what you produce. You’re giggling, murmuring, whooping, howling and sreaming repeatedly, ”singing and having a talk” and even your yawn is in a drawling tone. You like hearing your own voice. You can produce not only the repertory of crying but also you are able to communicate. You discover not only your voice but also your hands and fingers. I adore to see you keeping in the backward, how you are place your little hands exactly in the middle quite close to your face, take much trouble over your fingers – you catch them and move them slowly, one by one while seeing absorbedly. You stuff your fist into your mouth, touch your tongue with your forefinger and thumb. You’re able to grab objects deliberately and smile at your reflection in a mirror steadily. Your legs rise heavenward while you’re working on the playmat and beating the figures hanging above you. I also like the fluttering gesture what you produce with your arms when you are naked.
Great and wonderful times are provided with such a little life, amazing isn't it!! Dominik is beautiful and getting so big!!
Love, Lonnie, Janine and Mitchell xo
fantasztikus kepek!
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