The leaves are falling from the pear-trees standing in the middle of our yard. There are chilly mornings and surface frost. Chrysanthemums are sold by hundreds in the stores, All Souls’ Day is coming. This is the very end of the indian summer and in a little more than 2 months it’s Xmas. Dominik will be 5 months old on Holy Evening. He always establishes a new record and not only as compared to himself but also to other babies at the same age. Eg. he fell asleep at 6:30 PM last night and woke up at 6:00 AM in the morning. He slept almost 12 hours straight and did not cry for the breast hungry after waking up, he was just smiling. The other odd part is that I found him in his little bed as I put his li’l body in the evening with the difference that his li’l head was in the place of his feet. He turned exactly 180 degree. I was so surprised. In these days we manage official affairs, subsidies as regard to Dominik.
Autumn is my favorite time of year Rita, and I can only imagine how beautiful it is at your place right now. Gabor keeps calling for Dominik. Mindég mondja hogy a Dominik alszik. Funny and ironic isn't it! Cute photo.
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