Working days are over for a while. The farewell was painful. I was whimpering even on the previous day at home. I hate the ends. The last occasion was the graduation ceremony (2004) when I had the same feeling. After I had had my degree in my hand I felt bad because that document made me understand that college years were definitely over, there were no more days within the same frameworks.
The colleagues working on different buildings came into the office to say good bye and gave their best wishes. I hope that I managed to impart my skill and knowledge to the new girl during the last two weeks. At the end of the day, the last day
I picked up the rest of my personal things, the kind gifts I got and I gave my closest colleague, the dearest colleague a lift for the last time.
But there’s no time to being grieved, it’s time to celebrate! Krisz’ 29th birthday was on Friday, my father nameday on Saturday, Annamária Day on Sunday (my mother’s and sister’s nameday), what’s more one of our friends from the country visited us at the weekend. He is going to work in the capital from July.
And now I turn over a new leaf, I do know what to do on my free time. In the last few weeks I cooked very seldom, so I want to make up for what I’ve missed. I’m going to prepare something delicious every day or almost every day. And then here is the baby’s bedroom. It’s high time to furnish and buy the things missing. I got a lot of complement from my cousin and one of my colleagues which they won’t need any more. It was very kind of them, it’s a great help at this time. In these days my mother and my sister are my two right hands, they help me to clean the windows and give a helping hand to me in anything/everything.
But there’s no time to being grieved, it’s time to celebrate! Krisz’ 29th birthday was on Friday, my father nameday on Saturday, Annamária Day on Sunday (my mother’s and sister’s nameday), what’s more one of our friends from the country visited us at the weekend. He is going to work in the capital from July.
And now I turn over a new leaf, I do know what to do on my free time. In the last few weeks I cooked very seldom, so I want to make up for what I’ve missed. I’m going to prepare something delicious every day or almost every day. And then here is the baby’s bedroom. It’s high time to furnish and buy the things missing. I got a lot of complement from my cousin and one of my colleagues which they won’t need any more. It was very kind of them, it’s a great help at this time. In these days my mother and my sister are my two right hands, they help me to clean the windows and give a helping hand to me in anything/everything.
Let's see the photo of the week (on the right):
Happy Birthday Krisz! The torta looks scrumptious and you are all looking fantastic!
Now the countdown is on...less than a month away. Make sure to send some photos of the nursery
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