My stomach grows bigger not day by day but very unevenly. It’s a proven fact that it’s not a linear process. The baby (unfortunately, he’s still nameless) sometimes is really active. He may swim or dance or do gym in my belly, he may push himself off from the abdoman and strange though it may appear he already reacts to the outside world. I picked up on this fact this week. Namely, Krisz is on nightshift this week and we don’t meet in the afternoon, he usually arrives home at dawn, it’s around half past 3 AM. When I wake up, the little one wakes up too and starts to move madly hearing his father voice, taking delight in his arrival so that I hardly can fall asleep again.
Rita your belly with baby looks great!! I used to love feeling the baby move and kick, punch whatever he was doing. It was times I will cherish that were just him and I moments. Now Mitchell is very much a Daddys boy, so I love having those womb memories.
25 weeks already, over half way!! Love every moment, even when your awake in the middle of the night and baby boy is "playing".
Love the Lonnie Lassu family
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