My stomach grows bigger not day by day but very unevenly. It’s a proven fact that it’s not a linear process. The baby (unfortunately, he’s still nameless) sometimes is really active. He may swim or dance or do gym in my belly, he may push himself off from the abdoman and strange though it may appear he already reacts to the outside world. I picked up on this fact this week. Namely, Krisz is on nightshift this week and we don’t meet in the afternoon, he usually arrives home at dawn, it’s around half past 3 AM. When I wake up, the little one wakes up too and starts to move madly hearing his father voice, taking delight in his arrival so that I hardly can fall asleep again.

Nothing serious happening at Easter weekend. There was no pre-planned program. It was my Mum who was habitually prepared for Easter, I tidied up our pantry (I needed a great effort to do this without nauseate), weeded out our strawberry plantation which is now blooming and I was just relaxing and sunbathing.
In Hungary, people had better to make a careful decision where to go at this time because you can easily find yourself in a traffic jam in the approach of a popular open-air spare time scene and finally you fretfully realise that you spend the main part of the day in your car. 
Once we went to the „Skanzen” in Szentendre at Easter and at that moment over there I made a resolution that I never go to a place like this at any high day when thousands of people decide to make an excursion. Actually, it’s a very interesting place, it’s an open air museum. The dwelling houses and outbuildings represent the characteristic house types and their dependencies as they had shaped during the centuries. Gravestones and grave-posts collected in cemeteries, a Calvary, mills and other objects enrich the traditional villagescape. Every house is fitted out with furnishings, objects, utensils and textiles, with the requisites of festivities and daily work, in compliance with the occupation, social position, religion and nationality of the inhabitants. The customs and activities are also demonstrated (bread baking, washing, eating, mourning, etc.), together with the structures housing homecrafts, handicrafts, and communal functions.
And once we were in Hollókő. It’s almost the same place in regard to its spirit. Hollókõ is a part of the World Heritage for 15 years and is the treasure of Palócland, a village representing a uniform style of architecture, and has been preserved in the most intact shape in Central Europe. Its greatest value is the Old Village of 58 protected buildings, still preserving the touches of the 17th century folk architecture.

We partook in a great experience on Monday, it was a prodigy, we got an inside view of my belly and could see our little child. It turned out that it’s pure boy! He wasn’t in his element this time, he hardly moved, he was sleepy. We saw him to yawn and to grab the umbilical cord. It was fantastic, we could see his full-face and it was a cute baby (his present weight is 492 gram) in spite of the fact that our doctor said that it was not the most suitable period to see the embryo because it’s looked like an ethiopian child and it’s more frightening than nice. I don’t do justice to her, it was a real baby and show himself, every part of his body were very well visible. To tell you the truth we were a little
bit disappointed at first, mainly Chris. In former times I couldn’t imagine that I have a boy, I was always teetotal girl-minded. I was who had to tell the words of cheer to Chris. I regret that I have to aside the brownie girlish clothes temporarily that I treasured up for years as an impassioned baby clothes collector.