According to the result of the last ultrasound, perhaps we have a daughter. I had a feeling that it was just guessing. The doctor wouldn’t had mentioned
spontaneously the gender, he was busy with measuring the baby: thigh-bones, round the stomach, the crania, the spinal column, its weight. Finally I asked him if its sex is within sight. I never see anything on the screen apart from dark and light splashes but this time I saw its side-face what’s more it seemed to me that it’s a boy… The long and short of it’s still fifty-fifty. I’d like to take part in a 4 dimension ultrasound. I’d like to know who is inside!
Anyway, today it’s work-day. The point is that we are 4 of us in the office beside the boy in the reception and the security guard. We have to work instead of next Friday. We celebrate March 15th on Thursday which is National Holiday and in order that we will have a long weekend next week, Friday has been made a legal holiday. So next week is
made up of
3 work-days. The colleagues took holiday because it’s Saturday. I willfully didn’t do this because I suspicioned that this would happen supposing a calm day and getting the office was a dream this morning.
Anyway, today it’s work-day. The point is that we are 4 of us in the office beside the boy in the reception and the security guard. We have to work instead of next Friday. We celebrate March 15th on Thursday which is National Holiday and in order that we will have a long weekend next week, Friday has been made a legal holiday. So next week is
Although you are not certain of the sex of your baby it must have been exciting to hear how it is growing inside of you. Enjoy your quiet day at work!
We're hoping and praying for you both - we can hardly wait to find out who's hanging out inside there!
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