Monday, December 18, 2006

The last hard-working days in 2006

We have less than a week till Christmas. I hardly believe that Christmas Eve is on Sunday. December is extremely flitting. Tomorrow will be our last workday and the year-end ceremony will be on Wednesday in Tata. In the afternoon there is always a sort of sport activity. Last year it was soccer for boys in a fitness camp, this year it will be ninepins. Then we go to the hotel where the festal dinner and a very short speech by the chief owner is and where accomodation and on the following day breakfast is provided. The majority will sleep there but I won’t, KrisztiĆ”n wouldn’t liked the fact, so he will pick me up at around midnight. He said that he called for me at any place at any time instead of sleeping separately. Otherwise, I’ll be 26 years old on that day.


Anonymous said...

Rita & Krisz,
Wishing you a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for 2007!! Have a great time together and with your family too.
Love, Lonnie, Janine and Mitchell

Anonymous said...

Rita kivanunk boldog szuletes napot,szep karacsonyt es boldog UJ Evet,mondenkinek a csaladban.
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