Here it is a morning shot of Gellért Hill taken from the Petőfi Bridge on my way to work. The day before yesterday I went on foot through the bridge to the office instead of travelling by train. Otherwise, it seems to me that the ticket controllers come to stay on the combinos – which have been set into action again and since then it went wrong again, in some case it could not depart. I still don’t like those vehicles and not even the impolite ticket controllers. They work in gang. Sometimes I rather drive my car, but the problem is that I’m due to leave almost at the same time as if I used the vehicles of the Budapest Transport Company because of the usual morning jam. Halcyon days when the company was in Budaörs! This area is even worse since there’s ”lomtalanítás” in this district. (Please, somebody tell me the English word.) People unhouse their trucks and stuffs at this time, the things they won’t need anymore into the street in front of their house. Gipsies come with their wrecks (well-to-do with trailers) and rummage in the mess and make a dart on those things they like or of which they think can be useable. Sometimes come to grips with each other but in most cases they leave a people on the spot to guard over the things they need so that other gipsies can’t lay hands on it. I don’t like walk the streets at this time. I don’t like those people. When the garbage truck comes, there is only a small rubbish to pick up, the rest of it lies about. The most of it has been carry away by that time.
We have started to heat the House. Till now, we were fortunate in point of the weather.
”lomtalanítás” means "removal of junk". I know exactly what you are talking about however, here in Canada they do not have anything like that we know of. We have seen it in Budapest the few times we have been there, it is a certain time of year that a district allows the people to leave the belongings they do not need any longer in an area outside and then those who do need it can rumage through and take what they need before the city removes it. We have "Garage sales", where a family sells their belongings in their yard or garage for little money, or you can call a service that you pay to come and pick up your "junk" from your house.
Budapest looks beautiful in the Autumn!! Thank you for sharing the beautiful photo
Awesome fall photo! Love the wardrobe pic as well, it is beautiful. Just the right size for all a womans clothes!!
Looks like everyone has given their blogs a new look, very nice!!
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