We were very lucky as regard the weather. When we had an outdoor engagement, the sun shone brightly, sometimes it was too hot. We canoed the Grand River, we had a lot of fun. It was a four-hour tour rowing down the river. We saw numerous groups of wild gooses with their little ones, special kinds of smaller and bigger birds, a deer springing out the bush. It was 4 canoes each with 2 persons and sometimes some of us got bogged because of the shallow water. At the last stage of the tour it began lighten and thunder loudly, dark clouds appeared, it was dreadful. In spite of the fact that we were quite exhausted after a few-hour rowing we turned on full because of smooth passing. We managed to get by it.
We got to know the groom’s lovely family and also the couple’s best friends, their favourite places and activities. Peter got two huge bald elder brothers, Danton & Jeff (whose canoe was in the water in a large measure), both boys have a huge jeep (Chris liked them very much). I really liked Jeff’s snow-white tuxedo at the wedding, he was the master of ceremony. We got to know Rodney from Newfoundland who works at the same company like Viki & Peter. We gathered together twice at his place and ate barbecue, seosoned roasted meat exactly called T-bone (a kind of cutlet). While barbecue is an integ
ral part of every house in Canada, dogs are a full member of each family (we placed Tyson - Vikis's boxer - at a boarding place during the wedding). Rodney is very proud of his mother country and told stories about Newfi where the main job is fishing but nowadays there is no possibility of work. We were twice in a pub where we have to drop down the jacket of the salty peanut to the ground. It was funny and we hardly could do it at first. Looking down the floor we could easily esteem the number of the guests of that day. We were in different kinds of Bed & Breakfast in the mornings, and Tim Horton is also an indispensible part of the Canadians life that we visited each day and ordered a small (for me) and a medium (for Chris) hot chocolate, a double-double (for Viki) and a triple-triple (for Pete) and once a donut collection.
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