Thursday, October 14, 2021

Our late summer evening walks with Nolen

By the end of summer, we had an everyday seance with my younger son. An evening walk with the same route in the nearby, putting in different stops. It was something that he claimed and insisted on at the end of each day. It is something that we did not abandoned and do it regularly.

Leaving the house, we always start with turning left. First stop is the driveway of the new house built next to us, where nobody has moved in yet but the echo of its driveway is perfect that we always try.

Then comes the advertising board that we have to read, word by word, day by day. Further along, we reach the manhole cover. The water level is thoroughly examined and tested by dropping into some little rocks. At this point soon after we can see the automower on the left hand side, working unhurriedly, precisely. 

Then let's walking along the roadside, and let's collect some nice rocks that we bring with ourselves for a while and save to drop into the runnel later. We're continuously checking the status of the apartment houses under construction and soon reach the steep slope, with the church in the background. 

We arrive to the runnel, drop the rock, and I am immediately asked for plums in different colours which are the harvest of the trees standing along the runnel. 

Turning left, further constructions can be found and fortunately they store the remaining building material outside. It takes more times to go on because Nolen has to feed his sheep with the gravel. 


He discovers the neoncolour little spot (if not, we have to look for) which is the sign of his godfather (he is a geometer). 

We admire all the construction vehicles that are already ended the day and are about to go to sleep. Another slope down slightly and we reach the untroubled nature, the dam. Here even wild pigs can be seen. It is not a huge area but it is green and we love it. Sometimes Nolen ends as a neckwear here, at the last stop.