And of course, each season has its highlights - depending on its features (weather, holidays) and independently from its features. Now I enumerate some from both.
The season started with the so called Budaörsi Vígasságok (equal with 'local gladnesses') of which contest Erika called my attention to. She knows very well my baking spirit. And to tell you the truth, my mom won 3 years ago with a special birthday cake and the prize was a wellness weekend. Although, my cake wasn't the best but judged as the most decorative one and also well rewarded. Even included on the front page of the local paper.
Dominik had a postponed birthday party even at the beginning of the season. We decided to invite all the male classmates to take part in a laser battle. Although, best thing if someone was born in summer but from invitation point of view it is hard to find a date that meets everyone's summer schedule. So the school started, the boys were happy to meet and we created an extra occasion to amuse themselves right after a busy schoolday. Never we had such a successful party regarding the number of participants. Each and every boy was invited and each and every boy came. We solved the transportation for those who would have not been able to join otherwise. We wanted it, so we solved it. Since then, the 'big boy birthday party' series are not over, we were invited to a gokart and then a bowling birthday party.

He told me that originally he thought that Hungary is poorer country and was surprised to see so many good cars, big houses, well-to-do people. And he also told me that so many cloudy faces were found. It must be unusual for somebody who came from the third happiest country on Earth. We spoke about everything, Jens is a really nice person and I'm happy to say that I'm richer with a friend with same values like mines.
The season brought two new members into our little family. A tiny hampster for Dominik and a new car for me. Both were wishes or rather just plans from the past and now it was time to be realized.
What I really like in autumn is the lights of the sun besides of the colours of nature. The lights are very special because of the angle. The sun goes low and is able to shine into those places that cannot be lightened in summer. Even it is a different experience being at home at the weekends because the house is dressed in autumn lights inside.