2015 undoubtedly goes down in
history as the year of great travels. I was in 6 different countries and so reached
more great places than ever imagined within a year.
Started in Amsterdam, Holland
with the usual ISE exhibition including a gorgeous trip to the countryside as a
bonus. Holland was followed by Denmark. Billund was the base of a nice family
vacation with my sister's. Zoli made it damn good and comfortable and so became
unforgettable. And then Italy came next. As a result of a cancelled girlish
holiday Italy was still calling so I obeyed and went to Napoli and Pompei with
my mom. After this, the eagerly expected incredible India was next in line. Beautiful
experience followed by horrible shock when getting home. By that time (it was
early September) I needed to face the fact that my new superbike was stolen
from the garage in my absence.

Some new measures were introduced
by the government in the year of 2015. These changes were not solidly welcomed
but they needed to be accepted and resigned. One is the opening hours of the
shops. They have to be closed on Sundays. As for me, this is absolutely
uncomfortable because of more reasons. I needed to reschedule my weekly routine
and cannot go shopping when I desire. Although, mostly it was Sunday. This is
one thing but the most serious thing is that subsequently all people need to
arrange shopping till Saturday and so this generate double crowd at the weekends. I hardly
believe my eyes when seeing the twisty line of cars even well in front of the
parking area - and not to mention the queue inside. Other unfavourable measure
was the regulation of the use of highways. County-based vignettes are available
now. Budaörs had a unique position in this regard. However our mayor was
fighting really manfully against it so that Budaörs avoid the transit traffic
that is an accompany of this change. No success and the result can be experienced
by everybody: multiple traffic any time of the day, no way to calculate with
those turnarounds you applied within the city before. In other word: Budaörs
became impassable...
Another two things that 2015 brought into our life. First, new dimension in Internet: I introduced wi-fi at home. Second, new dimension in the treatment of waste: we received selective dumpsters, so now I have 3 big waste container, although, the existing one was never full neither.
In August, I managed to drum together almost the two-third of my exclassmates because of the 20th anniversary of leaving primary school.
Regarding my physical education, 2015 made it completely clear that muscles must keep surprised. :-) Not enough to do the same exercises day by day. No use to train hard without any change. All in vain because your body gets accustomed to the exercises and although you are training on the same way, you cannot see the result of it, what's more... So the the muscles love not only regularity but also surprises or tricks in the spirit of development. Enikő remained but another way (anyway she started her Zona Movement in English: https://www.facebook.com/zonamovement/?fref=ts) and I still take the opportunity to move as much as possible to stay as fit as a fiddle.
Regarding Dominik's physical education, he has the ski pass to the nearby artificial ski-truck for the whole season (from September till May) and he really does it with the greatest pleasure. They have P.E. lesson on each day except one day when he has a faculty of robotics. Once a week they also swim.
2015 gave life to two new babies in the family: Kitti and Dani. By now, there is exactly 10 kids altogether and we keep on celebrating Easter and Santa together, although with a bit more extended giftlist. :-) (In below picture on the right Andi & Erika changed their babies.)